Here is the cover of my new story suit. It's titled "Amarcord" ("I Remember") after the famous Federico Fellini film. The cover art is Philip Wilson Steer's Young Woman on the Beach, Walberswick (1886/88).
The book should appear in my own first English language "Polaris" edition by the end of January 2007.
(As always, it is not meant for sale, but to provide interested foreign publishers with reading copies.)
Here is the table of contents of "Amarcord":
Part One: Amarcord
1. Crime and Punishment
2. Vanity Fair
3. Great Expectations
4. Sentimental Education
5. Dead Souls
6. Lost Illusions
7. Les Miserables
8. The Magic Mountain
9. The Book of Laughter and Forgetting
10. Fahrenheit 451
Part Two: The Square
W00t! New Zoranfiction!