Three Messages and a Warning: Contemporary Mexican Short Stories of the Fantastic, the anthology I co-edited with Eduardo Jiménez Mayo that was published last year by Small Beer Press, has been nominated for a World Fantasy Award. What a great expression of support from English language readers, writers and editors for Mexican fantastic literature, ciencía ficcion, and for fantastic literature in translation generally.
More on the book here.
Congratulations to all of the amazing authors (full list below).
Three Messages and a Warning
Eduardo Jiménez Mayo & Chris. N. Brown, editors - published January 2012
January 2012 · 9781931520317 / 9781931520379 $16 · 240pp · trade paper/ebook
Contemporary Mexican Stories of the Fantastic
Introduction by Bruce Sterling.
Table of Contents
Lucía Abdó, Second-Hand Pachuca
Maria Isabel Aguirre, Today, You Walk Along a Narrow Path
Ana Gloria Álvarez Pedrajo, The Mediator
Liliana V. Blum, Pink Lemonade
Agustín Cadena, Murillo Park
Ana Clavel, Warning and Three Messages in the Same Parcel
Yussel Dardón, A Pile of Bland Deserts
Óscar de la Borbolla, Wittgenstein’s Umbrellas
Beatriz Escalante, Luck Has Its Limits
Bruno Estañol, The Infamous Juan Manuel
Iliana Estañol, In Waiting
Claudia Guillén, The Drop
Mónica Lavín, Trompe l’œil
Eduardo Mendoza, The Pin
Queta Navagómez, Rebellious
Amélie Olaiz, Amalgam
Donají Olmedo, The Stone
Edmée Pardo, 1965
Jesús Ramírez Bermúdez, The Last Witness to Creation
Carmen Rioja, The Náhual Offering
René Roquet, Returning to Night
Guillermo Samperio, Mister Strogoff
Alberto Chimal, Variation on a Theme of Coleridge [listen on PodCastle]
Mauricio Montiel Figueiras, Photophobia
Pepe Rojo, The President without Organs
Esther M. Garcia, Mannequin
Bernardo Fernández, Lions
Horacio Sentíes Madrid, The Transformist
Karen Chacek, The Hour of the Fireflies
Hernán Lara Zavala, Hunting Iguanas
Gerardo Sifuentes, Future Perfect
Amparo Dávila, The Guest
Gabriela Damián Miravete, Nereid Future
José Luis Zárate, Wolves